PowerInfer源码解析(三):算子实现 | 🚧 WIP 🚧





static void ggml_compute_forward_mul_mat(
        const struct ggml_compute_params * params,
        const struct ggml_tensor * src0,
        const struct ggml_tensor * src1,
              struct ggml_tensor * dst) {
    int64_t t0 = ggml_perf_time_us();


    const int ith = params->ith;
    const int nth = params->nth;

    const enum ggml_type type = src0->type;

    const bool src1_cont = ggml_is_contiguous(src1);

    ggml_vec_dot_t    const vec_dot               = type_traits[type].vec_dot;
    enum ggml_type    const vec_dot_type          = type_traits[type].vec_dot_type;
    ggml_from_float_t const from_float_to_vec_dot = type_traits[vec_dot_type].from_float;

    GGML_ASSERT(ne0 == ne01);
    GGML_ASSERT(ne1 == ne11);
    GGML_ASSERT(ne2 == ne12);
    GGML_ASSERT(ne3 == ne13);

    // we don't support permuted src0 or src1
    GGML_ASSERT(nb00 == ggml_type_size(type));
    GGML_ASSERT(nb10 == ggml_type_size(src1->type));

    // dst cannot be transposed or permuted
    GGML_ASSERT(nb0 == sizeof(float));
    GGML_ASSERT(nb0 <= nb1);
    GGML_ASSERT(nb1 <= nb2);
    GGML_ASSERT(nb2 <= nb3);

    // broadcast factors
    const int64_t r2 = ne12/ne02;
    const int64_t r3 = ne13/ne03;

    // nb01 >= nb00 - src0 is not transposed
    //   compute by src0 rows

#if defined(GGML_USE_CLBLAST)
    if (ggml_cl_can_mul_mat(src0, src1, dst)) {
        if (params->ith == 0 && params->type == GGML_TASK_COMPUTE) {
            ggml_cl_mul_mat(src0, src1, dst, params->wdata, params->wsize);

    if (ggml_compute_forward_mul_mat_use_blas(src0, src1, dst)) {
        if (params->ith != 0) {

        if (params->type == GGML_TASK_INIT) {

        if (params->type == GGML_TASK_FINALIZE) {

        for (int64_t i13 = 0; i13 < ne13; i13++) {
            for (int64_t i12 = 0; i12 < ne12; i12++) {
                // broadcast src0 into src1 across 2nd,3rd dimension
                const int64_t i03 = i13/r3;
                const int64_t i02 = i12/r2;

                const void  * x = (char *)            src0->data + i02*nb02 + i03*nb03;
                const float * y = (float *) ((char *) src1->data + i12*nb12 + i13*nb13);

                float * d = (float *) ((char *) dst->data + i12*nb2 + i13*nb3);

                if (type != GGML_TYPE_F32) {
                            float * const wdata    = params->wdata;
                    ggml_to_float_t const to_float = type_traits[type].to_float;

                    size_t id = 0;
                    for (int64_t i01 = 0; i01 < ne01; ++i01) {
                        to_float((const char *) x + i01*nb01, wdata + id, ne00);
                        id += ne00;

                    assert(id*sizeof(float) <= params->wsize);
                    x = wdata;

                cblas_sgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans,
                        ne11, ne01, ne10,
                        1.0f,    y, ne10,
                                 x, ne00,
                        0.0f,    d, ne01);

        //printf("CBLAS = %f ms, %d x %d x %d x %d\n", (ggml_perf_time_us() - t0)/1000.0, ne0, ne1, ne2, ne3);


    if (params->type == GGML_TASK_INIT) {
        if (src1->type != vec_dot_type) {
            char * wdata = params->wdata;
            const size_t row_size = ne10*ggml_type_size(vec_dot_type)/ggml_blck_size(vec_dot_type);

            for (int64_t i13 = 0; i13 < ne13; ++i13) {
                for (int64_t i12 = 0; i12 < ne12; ++i12) {
                    for (int64_t i11 = 0; i11 < ne11; ++i11) {
                        from_float_to_vec_dot((float *)((char *) src1->data + i13*nb13 + i12*nb12 + i11*nb11), (void *) wdata, ne10);
                        wdata += row_size;


    if (params->type == GGML_TASK_FINALIZE) {

    const void * wdata    = (src1->type == vec_dot_type) ? src1->data : params->wdata;
    const size_t row_size = ne10*ggml_type_size(vec_dot_type)/ggml_blck_size(vec_dot_type);

    const int64_t nr0 = ne01;           // src0 rows
    const int64_t nr1 = ne11*ne12*ne13; // src1 rows

    //printf("nr0 = %lld, nr1 = %lld\n", nr0, nr1);

    // distribute the thread work across the inner or outer loop based on which one is larger

    const int64_t nth0 = nr0 > nr1 ? nth : 1; // parallelize by src0 rows
    const int64_t nth1 = nr0 > nr1 ? 1 : nth; // parallelize by src1 rows

    const int64_t ith0 = ith % nth0;
    const int64_t ith1 = ith / nth0;

    const int64_t dr0 = (nr0 + nth0 - 1)/nth0;
    const int64_t dr1 = (nr1 + nth1 - 1)/nth1;

    const int64_t ir010 = dr0*ith0;
    const int64_t ir011 = MIN(ir010 + dr0, nr0);

    const int64_t ir110 = dr1*ith1;
    const int64_t ir111 = MIN(ir110 + dr1, nr1);

    //printf("ir010 = %6lld, ir011 = %6lld, ir110 = %6lld, ir111 = %6lld\n", ir010, ir011, ir110, ir111);

    // threads with no work simply yield (not sure if it helps)
    if (ir010 >= ir011 || ir110 >= ir111) {

    assert(ne12 % ne02 == 0);
    assert(ne13 % ne03 == 0);

    // block-tiling attempt
    const int64_t blck_0 = 16;
    const int64_t blck_1 = 16;

    // attempt to reduce false-sharing (does not seem to make a difference)
    float tmp[16];

    for (int64_t iir1 = ir110; iir1 < ir111; iir1 += blck_1) {
        for (int64_t iir0 = ir010; iir0 < ir011; iir0 += blck_0) {
            for (int64_t ir1 = iir1; ir1 < iir1 + blck_1 && ir1 < ir111; ++ir1) {
                const int64_t i13 = (ir1/(ne12*ne11));
                const int64_t i12 = (ir1 - i13*ne12*ne11)/ne11;
                const int64_t i11 = (ir1 - i13*ne12*ne11 - i12*ne11);

                // broadcast src0 into src1
                const int64_t i03 = i13/r3;
                const int64_t i02 = i12/r2;

                const int64_t i1 = i11;
                const int64_t i2 = i12;
                const int64_t i3 = i13;

                const char * src0_row = (const char *) src0->data + (0 + i02*nb02 + i03*nb03);

                // desc: when src1 is not a contiguous memory block we have to calculate the offset using the strides
                //       if it is, then we have either copied the data to params->wdata and made it contiguous or we are using
                //       the original src1 data pointer, so we should index using the indices directly
                // TODO: this is a bit of a hack, we should probably have a better way to handle this
                const char * src1_col = (const char *) wdata +
                    (src1_cont || src1->type != vec_dot_type
                     ? (i11      + i12*ne11 + i13*ne12*ne11)*row_size
                     : (i11*nb11 + i12*nb12 + i13*nb13));

                float * dst_col = (float *) ((char *) dst->data + (i1*nb1 + i2*nb2 + i3*nb3));

                //for (int64_t ir0 = iir0; ir0 < iir0 + blck_0 && ir0 < ir011; ++ir0) {
                //    vec_dot(ne00, &dst_col[ir0], src0_row + ir0*nb01, src1_col);

                for (int64_t ir0 = iir0; ir0 < iir0 + blck_0 && ir0 < ir011; ++ir0) {
                    vec_dot(ne00, &tmp[ir0 - iir0], src0_row + ir0*nb01, src1_col);
                memcpy(&dst_col[iir0], tmp, (MIN(iir0 + blck_0, ir011) - iir0)*sizeof(float));


// in ggml.h
#define GGML_TENSOR_LOCALS_1(type, prefix, pointer, array) \
    const type prefix##0 = (pointer)->array[0]; \
#define GGML_TENSOR_LOCALS_2(type, prefix, pointer, array) \
    GGML_TENSOR_LOCALS_1    (type, prefix, pointer, array) \
    const type prefix##1 = (pointer)->array[1]; \
#define GGML_TENSOR_LOCALS_3(type, prefix, pointer, array) \
    GGML_TENSOR_LOCALS_2    (type, prefix, pointer, array) \
    const type prefix##2 = (pointer)->array[2]; \
#define GGML_TENSOR_LOCALS(type, prefix, pointer, array) \
    GGML_TENSOR_LOCALS_3  (type, prefix, pointer, array) \
    const type prefix##3 = (pointer)->array[3]; \
// in ggml.c
    GGML_TENSOR_LOCALS(int64_t, ne0, src0, ne) \
    GGML_TENSOR_LOCALS(size_t,  nb0, src0, nb) \
    GGML_TENSOR_LOCALS(int64_t, ne1, src1, ne) \
    GGML_TENSOR_LOCALS(size_t,  nb1, src1, nb) \
    GGML_TENSOR_LOCALS(int64_t, ne,  dst,  ne) \
    GGML_TENSOR_LOCALS(size_t,  nb,  dst,  nb)

GGML_TENSOR_LOCALS_1(type, prefix, pointer, array)负责定义prefix##0局部变量来存储(pointer)->array[0]的值。
注意这里的##的作用是将两个标记拼接成一个新的标记。在宏定义中,这个特性可以用来动态生成标识符,以简化代码和提高代码的灵活性。prefix##0 使用了##,其目的是将 prefix0 拼接成一个新的标记。假设prefixne,那么prefix##0就会变成ne0,这是一个合法的标识符。函数里面所使用的那些新的局部变量(的变量名)就是这么来的。
之后,检查是否可以使用 OpenCL 加速(CLBLAST)或 BLAS 库(OpenBLAS/Accelerate)。如果可以,则调用相应的矩阵乘法函数加速计算。

#if defined(GGML_USE_CLBLAST)
    if (ggml_cl_can_mul_mat(src0, src1, dst)) {
        if (params->ith == 0 && params->type == GGML_TASK_COMPUTE) {
            ggml_cl_mul_mat(src0, src1, dst, params->wdata, params->wsize);

    if (ggml_compute_forward_mul_mat_use_blas(src0, src1, dst)) {
        if (params->ith != 0) {

        if (params->type == GGML_TASK_INIT) {

        if (params->type == GGML_TASK_FINALIZE) {

        for (int64_t i13 = 0; i13 < ne13; i13++) {
            for (int64_t i12 = 0; i12 < ne12; i12++) {
                // broadcast src0 into src1 across 2nd,3rd dimension
                const int64_t i03 = i13/r3;
                const int64_t i02 = i12/r2;

                const void  * x = (char *)            src0->data + i02*nb02 + i03*nb03;
                const float * y = (float *) ((char *) src1->data + i12*nb12 + i13*nb13);

                float * d = (float *) ((char *) dst->data + i12*nb2 + i13*nb3);

                if (type != GGML_TYPE_F32) {
                            float * const wdata    = params->wdata;
                    ggml_to_float_t const to_float = type_traits[type].to_float;

                    size_t id = 0;
                    for (int64_t i01 = 0; i01 < ne01; ++i01) {
                        to_float((const char *) x + i01*nb01, wdata + id, ne00);
                        id += ne00;

                    assert(id*sizeof(float) <= params->wsize);
                    x = wdata;

                cblas_sgemm(CblasRowMajor, CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans,
                        ne11, ne01, ne10,
                        1.0f,    y, ne10,
                                 x, ne00,
                        0.0f,    d, ne01);

        //printf("CBLAS = %f ms, %d x %d x %d x %d\n", (ggml_perf_time_us() - t0)/1000.0, ne0, ne1, ne2, ne3);

  • GGML_TASK_INIT:初始化阶段,用来将 src1 中的 float 类型数据转换为适合进行矩阵乘法的类型(vec_dot_type),并将其存储在一个临时缓冲区 wdata 中,以便之后的计算使用。
  • GGML_TASK_FINALIZE:结束阶段,什么也不做,只是标记计算结束。
    if (params->type == GGML_TASK_INIT) {
        if (src1->type != vec_dot_type) {
            char * wdata = params->wdata;
            const size_t row_size = ne10*ggml_type_size(vec_dot_type)/ggml_blck_size(vec_dot_type);

            for (int64_t i13 = 0; i13 < ne13; ++i13) {
                for (int64_t i12 = 0; i12 < ne12; ++i12) {
                    for (int64_t i11 = 0; i11 < ne11; ++i11) {
                        from_float_to_vec_dot((float *)((char *) src1->data + i13*nb13 + i12*nb12 + i11*nb11), (void *) wdata, ne10);
                        wdata += row_size;



  • 如果nth0是4,那么ith0就是[0, 3]也就是处理四个不同的部分,ith1则只能是0
  • 如果nth0是1,那么ith0只能是0,而ith1可以是[0, 3]

ir010ir011)有了负责的部分(ith0)以及每个部分的行数dr0,我们就可以计算线程对src0的处理范围了,即处理src0的起始行(dr0*ith0)和终止行(MIN(ir010 + dr0, nr0))。
ir110ir111)同上,线程处理 src1 的起始行和结束行。

    const void * wdata    = (src1->type == vec_dot_type) ? src1->data : params->wdata;
    const size_t row_size = ne10*ggml_type_size(vec_dot_type)/ggml_blck_size(vec_dot_type);

    const int64_t nr0 = ne01;           // src0 rows
    const int64_t nr1 = ne11*ne12*ne13; // src1 rows

    //printf("nr0 = %lld, nr1 = %lld\n", nr0, nr1);

    // distribute the thread work across the inner or outer loop based on which one is larger

    const int64_t nth0 = nr0 > nr1 ? nth : 1; // parallelize by src0 rows
    const int64_t nth1 = nr0 > nr1 ? 1 : nth; // parallelize by src1 rows

    const int64_t ith0 = ith % nth0;
    const int64_t ith1 = ith / nth0;

    const int64_t dr0 = (nr0 + nth0 - 1)/nth0;
    const int64_t dr1 = (nr1 + nth1 - 1)/nth1;

    const int64_t ir010 = dr0*ith0;
    const int64_t ir011 = MIN(ir010 + dr0, nr0);

    const int64_t ir110 = dr1*ith1;
    const int64_t ir111 = MIN(ir110 + dr1, nr1);


    // block-tiling attempt
    const int64_t blck_0 = 16;
    const int64_t blck_1 = 16;

    // attempt to reduce false-sharing (does not seem to make a difference)
    float tmp[16];

    for (int64_t iir1 = ir110; iir1 < ir111; iir1 += blck_1) {
        for (int64_t iir0 = ir010; iir0 < ir011; iir0 += blck_0) {
            for (int64_t ir1 = iir1; ir1 < iir1 + blck_1 && ir1 < ir111; ++ir1) {
                // -- snip --
                for (int64_t ir0 = iir0; ir0 < iir0 + blck_0 && ir0 < ir011; ++ir0) {
                    vec_dot(ne00, &tmp[ir0 - iir0], src0_row + ir0*nb01, src1_col);
                memcpy(&dst_col[iir0], tmp, (MIN(iir0 + blck_0, ir011) - iir0)*sizeof(float));


  • ir1在三维张量中首先跨过了多少“深度”(ne12 * ne11表示一个完整的平面大小)。所以这步是在第 2 维度上跨过多少个完整的ne11 x ne12大小的平面。
  • 在确定i13之后,减去i13对应的展平索引所跨过的部分,剩下的就是在ne11 * ne12这个平面中的位置。接下来,用这个剩余部分除以ne11,得到i12,即在第 1 维度上的索引。
  • 最后,减去i13i12跨过的部分,剩下的就是在第 0 维度上的索引i11。它表示当前ir1在这个平面中,具体的第 0 维度上的位置。
                const int64_t i13 = (ir1/(ne12*ne11));
                const int64_t i12 = (ir1 - i13*ne12*ne11)/ne11;
                const int64_t i11 = (ir1 - i13*ne12*ne11 - i12*ne11);

通过 r2 和 r3 将 src0 的较小维度广播到 src1,以适应后者较大的维度。具体地说,i03 和 i02 通过除以广播因子将 src1 的索引转换为 src0 的索引,以正确地在较大的张量上应用较小张量的值。
例如,如果 i13 = 4,r3 = 3,则 i03 = 4 / 3 = 1,表示 src0 的第 3 维的第 1 个元素会被应用于 src1 的第 4 个位置。

                // broadcast src0 into src1
                const int64_t i03 = i13/r3;
                const int64_t i02 = i12/r2;

针对 src1 的多维索引(例如 i11, i12, i13)直接映射到 dst 中的对应维度位置。这表明在 dst 中的元素将与 src1 的这些维度一一对应。

                const int64_t i1 = i11;
                const int64_t i2 = i12;
                const int64_t i3 = i13;


                const char * src0_row = (const char *) src0->data + (0 + i02*nb02 + i03*nb03);


                const char * src1_col = (const char *) wdata +
                    (src1_cont || src1->type != vec_dot_type
                     ? (i11      + i12*ne11 + i13*ne12*ne11)*row_size
                     : (i11*nb11 + i12*nb12 + i13*nb13));

                float * dst_col = (float *) ((char *) dst->data + (i1*nb1 + i2*nb2 + i3*nb3));


                for (int64_t ir0 = iir0; ir0 < iir0 + blck_0 && ir0 < ir011; ++ir0) {
                    vec_dot(ne00, &tmp[ir0 - iir0], src0_row + ir0*nb01, src1_col);
                memcpy(&dst_col[iir0], tmp, (MIN(iir0 + blck_0, ir011) - iir0)*sizeof(float));




static void ggml_cuda_mul_mat(const ggml_tensor * src0, const ggml_tensor * src1, ggml_tensor * dst) {
    const bool all_on_device =
        (src0->backend == GGML_BACKEND_GPU || src0->backend == GGML_BACKEND_GPU_SPLIT) &&
        (src1->backend == GGML_BACKEND_GPU) &&
        ( dst->backend == GGML_BACKEND_GPU);

    const bool split = src0->backend == GGML_BACKEND_GPU_SPLIT;

    int64_t min_compute_capability = INT_MAX;
    for (int64_t id = 0; id < g_device_count; ++id) {
        if (min_compute_capability > g_compute_capabilities[id] && g_tensor_split[id] < (id + 1 < g_device_count ? g_tensor_split[id + 1] : 1.0f)) {
            min_compute_capability = g_compute_capabilities[id];

    const bool use_tensor_cores = true;
    const bool use_tensor_cores = false;

    // debug helpers
    //printf("src0: %8d %8d %8d %8d\n", src0->ne[0], src0->ne[1], src0->ne[2], src0->ne[3]);
    //printf("      %8d %8d %8d %8d\n", src0->nb[0], src0->nb[1], src0->nb[2], src0->nb[3]);
    //printf("src1: %8d %8d %8d %8d\n", src1->ne[0], src1->ne[1], src1->ne[2], src1->ne[3]);
    //printf("      %8d %8d %8d %8d\n", src1->nb[0], src1->nb[1], src1->nb[2], src1->nb[3]);
    //printf("src0 is contiguous %d, transposed %d, type = %s, name = %s\n", ggml_is_contiguous(src0), ggml_is_transposed(src0), ggml_type_name(src0->type), src0->name);
    //printf("src1 is contiguous %d, transposed %d, type = %s, name = %s\n", ggml_is_contiguous(src1), ggml_is_transposed(src1), ggml_type_name(src1->type), src1->name);

    if (!split && all_on_device && !use_tensor_cores && src0->type == GGML_TYPE_F16 && ggml_is_permuted(src0) && ggml_is_permuted(src1) && src1->ne[1] == 1) {
        // KQ single-batch
        ggml_cuda_mul_mat_vec_p021(src0, src1, dst);
    } else if (!split && all_on_device && !use_tensor_cores && src0->type == GGML_TYPE_F16 && !ggml_is_contiguous(src0) && !ggml_is_transposed(src1) && src1->ne[1] == 1) {
        // KQV single-batch
        ggml_cuda_mul_mat_vec_nc(src0, src1, dst);
    } else if (!split && all_on_device && use_tensor_cores && src0->type == GGML_TYPE_F16 && src1->type == GGML_TYPE_F32 && !ggml_is_transposed(src0) && !ggml_is_transposed(src1)) {
        // KQ + KQV multi-batch
        ggml_cuda_mul_mat_mat_batched_cublas(src0, src1, dst);
    } else if (src0->type == GGML_TYPE_F32) {
        ggml_cuda_op_mul_mat(src0, src1, dst, ggml_cuda_op_mul_mat_cublas, false);
    } else if (ggml_is_quantized(src0->type) || src0->type == GGML_TYPE_F16) {
        if (src1->ne[1] == 1 && src0->ne[0] % GGML_CUDA_DMMV_X == 0) {
            const bool use_mul_mat_vec_q = false;
            const bool use_mul_mat_vec_q = min_compute_capability >= MIN_CC_DP4A && ggml_is_quantized(src0->type);

            if (use_mul_mat_vec_q) {
                ggml_cuda_op_mul_mat(src0, src1, dst, ggml_cuda_op_mul_mat_vec_q, true);
            } else {
                ggml_cuda_op_mul_mat(src0, src1, dst, ggml_cuda_op_dequantize_mul_mat_vec, false);
        } else {
            bool use_mul_mat_q = min_compute_capability >= MIN_CC_DP4A && ggml_is_quantized(src0->type);

            // when tensor cores are available, use them for large batch size
            // ref: https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/pull/3776
            if (use_tensor_cores && min_compute_capability >= CC_VOLTA && src1->ne[1] > MMQ_MAX_BATCH_SIZE) {
                use_mul_mat_q = false;

            if (use_mul_mat_q) {
                ggml_cuda_op_mul_mat(src0, src1, dst, ggml_cuda_op_mul_mat_q, true);
            } else {
                ggml_cuda_op_mul_mat(src0, src1, dst, ggml_cuda_op_mul_mat_cublas, false);
    } else {


            if (use_mul_mat_vec_q) {
                ggml_cuda_op_mul_mat(src0, src1, dst, ggml_cuda_op_mul_mat_vec_q, true);
            } else {
                ggml_cuda_op_mul_mat(src0, src1, dst, ggml_cuda_op_dequantize_mul_mat_vec, false);


static void ggml_cuda_op_mul_mat(
    const ggml_tensor * src0, const ggml_tensor * src1, ggml_tensor * dst, ggml_cuda_op_mul_mat_t op,
    const bool convert_src1_to_q8_1) 



inline void ggml_cuda_op_mul_mat_vec_q(
    const ggml_tensor * src0, const ggml_tensor * src1, ggml_tensor * dst, const char * src0_dd_i, const float * src1_ddf_i,
    const char * src1_ddq_i, float * dst_dd_i, const int64_t row_low, const int64_t row_high, const int64_t src1_ncols,
    const int64_t src1_padded_row_size, const cudaStream_t & stream) {

    const int64_t ne00 = src0->ne[0];
    const int64_t row_diff = row_high - row_low;

    switch (src0->type) {
        case GGML_TYPE_Q4_0:
            mul_mat_vec_q4_0_q8_1_cuda(src0_dd_i, src1_ddq_i, dst_dd_i, ne00, row_diff, stream);
        case GGML_TYPE_Q4_1:
            mul_mat_vec_q4_1_q8_1_cuda(src0_dd_i, src1_ddq_i, dst_dd_i, ne00, row_diff, stream);
        case GGML_TYPE_Q5_0:
            mul_mat_vec_q5_0_q8_1_cuda(src0_dd_i, src1_ddq_i, dst_dd_i, ne00, row_diff, stream);
        case GGML_TYPE_Q5_1:
            mul_mat_vec_q5_1_q8_1_cuda(src0_dd_i, src1_ddq_i, dst_dd_i, ne00, row_diff, stream);
        case GGML_TYPE_Q8_0:
            mul_mat_vec_q8_0_q8_1_cuda(src0_dd_i, src1_ddq_i, dst_dd_i, ne00, row_diff, stream);
        case GGML_TYPE_Q2_K:
            mul_mat_vec_q2_K_q8_1_cuda(src0_dd_i, src1_ddq_i, dst_dd_i, ne00, row_diff, stream);
        case GGML_TYPE_Q3_K:
            mul_mat_vec_q3_K_q8_1_cuda(src0_dd_i, src1_ddq_i, dst_dd_i, ne00, row_diff, stream);
        case GGML_TYPE_Q4_K:
            mul_mat_vec_q4_K_q8_1_cuda(src0_dd_i, src1_ddq_i, dst_dd_i, ne00, row_diff, stream);
        case GGML_TYPE_Q5_K:
            mul_mat_vec_q5_K_q8_1_cuda(src0_dd_i, src1_ddq_i, dst_dd_i, ne00, row_diff, stream);
        case GGML_TYPE_Q6_K:
            mul_mat_vec_q6_K_q8_1_cuda(src0_dd_i, src1_ddq_i, dst_dd_i, ne00, row_diff, stream);

    (void) src1;
    (void) dst;
    (void) src1_ddf_i;
    (void) src1_ncols;
    (void) src1_padded_row_size;


static void mul_mat_vec_q4_0_q8_1_cuda(const void * vx, const void * vy, float * dst, const int ncols, const int nrows, cudaStream_t stream) {
    GGML_ASSERT(ncols % QK4_0 == 0);
    const int block_num_y = (nrows + GGML_CUDA_MMV_Y - 1) / GGML_CUDA_MMV_Y;
    const dim3 block_nums(block_num_y, 1, 1);
    const dim3 block_dims(WARP_SIZE, GGML_CUDA_MMV_Y, 1);
    mul_mat_vec_q<QK4_0, QI4_0, block_q4_0, VDR_Q4_0_Q8_1_MMVQ, vec_dot_q4_0_q8_1>
        <<<block_nums, block_dims, 0, stream>>>(vx, vy, dst, ncols, nrows);


template <int qk, int qi, typename block_q_t, int vdr, vec_dot_q_cuda_t vec_dot_q_cuda>
static __global__ void mul_mat_vec_q(const void * __restrict__ vx, const void * __restrict__ vy, float * __restrict__ dst, const int ncols, const int nrows) {
    const int row = blockIdx.x*blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;

    if (row >= nrows) {

    const int blocks_per_row = ncols / qk;
    const int blocks_per_warp = vdr * WARP_SIZE / qi;

// partial sum for each thread
    float tmp = 0.0f;

    const block_q_t  * x = (const block_q_t  *) vx;
    const block_q8_1 * y = (const block_q8_1 *) vy;

    for (int i = 0; i < blocks_per_row; i += blocks_per_warp) {
        const int ibx = row*blocks_per_row + i + threadIdx.x / (qi/vdr); // x block index

        const int iby = (i + threadIdx.x / (qi/vdr)) * (qk/QK8_1); // y block index that aligns with ibx

        const int iqs  = vdr * (threadIdx.x % (qi/vdr)); // x block quant index when casting the quants to int

        tmp += vec_dot_q_cuda(&x[ibx], &y[iby], iqs);

    // sum up partial sums and write back result
#pragma unroll
    for (int mask = 16; mask > 0; mask >>= 1) {
        tmp += __shfl_xor_sync(0xffffffff, tmp, mask, 32);

    if (threadIdx.x == 0) {
        dst[row] = tmp;